Chua Yheu-Shen
Camp KL addresses the urban issue of homeless habitants in the city. Instead of gathering the homeless in a house which lacks a sense of belonging, this project proposes an alternative solution, to design a space with the theme ‘communal’. There are 3 aspects to this – ‘Communal Building’, ‘Communal Planting’ and ‘Communal Interaction’.
Derived from a modular system, there are 3 types of spaces the shelter serves – ‘bedroom’, ‘communal’ & ‘services’. The proposed modular 5m X 5m structure once combined, forms a light weight global system which is fast to assemble and easy to deconstruct. The tension membrane roof forming the shelter is not only generic to accommodate various activities but also specific enough to function as a living space. Its flexible typology allows freedom in arranging the modules, enabling it to expand or to reduce its overall area